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Figuratively Speaking

Lee Johnson ‘Helios VIII’ Oil on Mat Board 6” x 8” $550

Beth Dacey ‘Three Singers’ Oil on Canvas 36″x36″ $5280⁠

Celebrating the human form and daily life, this show brings together paintings, mixed media, silk screen looking at how our bodies exist with the world around us.
Featured Artists: Beth Dacey & Lee Johnshon

And including works by Paul Brahms, Dana Trattner, David Connor, Jeff Roland, Rabee Kiwan, & Yong-Man Kwon. ⁠

 For inquiries into the works or any other information, please contact:

Jennifer Swarts, Gallery Owner: jen@cascobayartisans.com

Jess Lauren, Gallery Manager: CBArtMarketin@gmail.com

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