Project Description
Jess Lauren Lipton
I am a textile and performance artist with a fondness for language and physical touch. I am obsessed with the flash in the pan, the inexhaustible pleasure, and the endless high of what human experience is capable of. I am interested in the mechanics of how ideas and their manifestation form the structures of society and how those structures hold up over time. Those that survive become our culture leading to the primary equation: pop=immediacy/culture=longevity.
The whole of every society is made of individuals. The root inquiry is therefore the role of an individual to society and the reciprocity of that relationship.
My work is about relationships: how pieces work as a whole and the nuances of each individual piece. Relationships are ever evolving scaffolding that define life. It is all about some thing in relation to another. How we interpret and navigate these relations make up the stories of our lives.